Remote Working
We have been thrown in the deep end and been forced to embrace remote working to an extent we had not imagined. Ongoing technology improvements are one of the only reasons we are still able to operate at some level. For some this is working, others it is not. Here are some of the technology solutions we are urgently helping our clients with at this time.
Team, Project and Task Management
What should your team be working on today? Have you got a full work scope planned out that remote teams members can access, that has been prioritised and can you see completion progress?. ADT is able to help you to quickly deploy low cost, pre-build, cloud platforms to help organise your teams. Platform start with simple team task lists, but can extend to completely integrated workflow platforms integrated with CRM and Finance. Quote management, client contact recording, staff time recording and much more.Contact us today and let us know what you need. We can have something up and running this week.
Video Conferencing, Integration and Branding
Has your team cobbled together a Video Conferencing solution such as Teams, Zoom or another? Or are you still moving between them trying to find something works reliably, is secure and allows some improved workflow?
As great as these products have been at getting us started, now is the type to put some shape to them. Our dependency on these products is going to grow as we move forward and if these are not structured into our businesses and policies soon, we risk loss of control and potential security or privacy breaches.
Its not too hard however to take the time and implement these products correctly. ADT is able to assist in implementing some of the best of these products with structure and policy, or even with your own corporate branding, into your organisation suit of products or directly into your business systems.
Take the time now to implement a Video conferencing system that will meet your long term needs. Contact us.
Time Recording
When you have a large team working from home, its really difficult to keep an overview on who is able to be productive, and who needs further help in being productive in a home environment. To help start that process ADT is able to provide some simple tools to collect that data enabling you to make decisions. These tools start by simple utilities installed on your workstations directly or via deployment tools that monitor users work start and end times, or break times. You can extend these to collect data on which applications they are working in, or even how much time they are spending on different documents or websites. If you have specific security requirements, you can extend these applications further to have complete traceability of user actions such as reviewing screen content. No matter what level of data you need, it is fast and straightforward to have such platforms setup and to give that piece of mind that comes from having the visibly on team activity when outside of the office.
Crisis Applications
While the great people in our health and emergency services are doing their parts to look after us in the face of the Coronavirus, technology too has a piece to play in fighting the spread.
If you have a specific solution you needed developed to tackle COVID-19 in your workplace, region or country, ADT is has developers standing by to quickly develop custom applications. Here are two examples ADT has provided:
This is a solution that helps shops, cafes, restaurants, entertainment facilities, or even workplaces quickly and anonymously record who has visits their premise. Many governments or regions are mandating some form of tracking requirement on such industries.
The solution is made up of two aspects, the first being the cloud based portal where the business registers and creates one or more locations. Each location gets a specific code which is printed with a sign, or can be provided with an NFC tag.
As customers visit the location, they are asked to swipe in, by using their smart phone to scan the NFC tag, or QR code. This will generate a request on the device. If the device is installed with the Swipedby App, then it shows a green tick on the screen and the premise they have entered. This process takes only a few seconds. If the visitor does not have the app installed, they are directed to a mobile webpage which allows them to login with an existing Facebook, Google, Microsoft or Apple account, and approve a permission to share their account basic info with Swipedby. The users is also given the option to download the app for future use to speed the access process.
User information given is not held by the location, only by the Swipedby system. In cases required for contact tracing, authorised health or governmental agencies can make requests to be provided the name and email of all other visitors to the location during the same time period as a known case. App users are notified if their information is included in such an incident report.
If you need such a system for your business. Please contact us.
In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, most education facilities around the world have required some form of e-learning online platform for schools allowing ongoing education in high alerts when levels of social isolation are required. We all hope this will be short lived, but must plan for longer term effects.
ADT is helping schools, higher education, universities and private education facilities implement e-learning tools across the board. This may be planning implementations of existing products such as Google Classrooms and Education tools, or more personalised existing platforms such as customised installations of Moodle. ADT has also helped with entirely customised platforms specific for their needs.
There are still many places around the world, or even in our region, that apply limitations for people to go out as they like and buy groceries or goods.
Organisations that have the ability to take orders digitally online, and fulfil those through approved delivery methods, have a huge advantage in being able to continue their business.
ADT wants to help put your organisation in this position where you can continue to trade in such environments by providing suitable for your business. Examples of what we have available for quick deployment include:
Business to Business B2B secure online ordering or account management portals. These can be based around your existing platforms, ERP systems or ADT’s own iCentral building block.
Online shopping sites. Enhance your online presence, or quickly create a new eCommerce website to get your goods online and allow users to make direct purchasing. ADT has a range of options from customising existing platforms, enterprise versions of SaaS models, or using existing best of bred technologies such as Magento to build your own specific site.
Delivery Platforms. ADT has provided a number of courier or own delivery service applications including delivery ordering queuing, driver assignment applications, or end customer live delivery tracking applications.