Get your business apps to the next level
There has to be a really good reason to be running applications or services from your own or on-premise infrastructure. It is rare that a single organisation can provide the level of security, resilience and scalability that is now common place using SaaS and IaaS that that are now available through the big cloud providers such as Amazon AWS, Azure or Google Cloud. More so, its nearly impossible to provide independently at the costs available from these providers.
The biggest problem with Cloud Infrastructure is taking in the massive range of services and see how they can be best applied to your requirement. The technology is filled with acronyms and literally hundreds of ways to put together the range of computing, dataset and storage options. New technologies are being added every day
ADT provides recommendations along with our solutions on the best infrastructure from Amazon and Microsoft Azure. From simple low cost storage requirements to comprehensive geographic redundant platforms meeting government security specifications.
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Porta semper lacus cursus feugiat primis ultrice ligula risus an auctor tempus feugiat at impedit felis
Porta semper lacus cursus feugiat primis ultrice ligula risus an auctor tempus feugiat at impedit felis