Internet Explorer
On clicking the Start you will get a box as follows. Choose the Run
You may then be prompted
to approve the running of the application as follows. Again choose Run.
The application should
now be ready for the engineer to assist you. It will show waiting until
the connection is complete
On clicking the Start you will get a box as follows. Choose the Save
The application will
download and show a box as follows. Choose the Open option.
On the next prompt also
choose the OK option.
The application should
now be ready for the engineer to assist you. It will show waiting until
the connection is complete
On clicking the Start button the application will start to download and
show in the bottom left of your browser screen. When it has finished it
will appear as below. Click the options down arrow and choose Open.
On the next prompt also
choose the Run option.
The application should
now be ready for the engineer to assist you. It will show waiting until
the connection is complete